Pakistani snacks everyone must try

No, I am not talking about chaat! Not that you shouldn't have chaat. Please please eat/slurp chaat and all the various flavours that makeup chaat! This is instead the chips that we begged our parents for, the drinks that we drank to cool down on a hot day in our childhood!



More specifically, theirSpicy potato sticks! There was only one authentic Nimco and you could only get it in Karachi. All others were copies, and poor tasting ones at that! I always make sure to buy at least a dozen of these every time I visit home!

Gluco biscuits

The Pakistani fraternal twin to the infamous Parle G. Kids around Pakistan dunk these biscuits into their parents tea and attempt to balance the thin margin between soggy gloop and crisp tea flavoured biscuit!

Anything made by K&Ns

One of the few things on this list that you can actually buy in the US or elsewhere, K&Ns did frozen products unlike any others! To this day, I can't consume any sausage other than K&Ns!

Not just that, their frozen kebabs and burger patties were what you prayed for when your mother told you she was too tired too cook!



Here is the mountain (but really the biggest hill) that I am willing to die on. Pakola beats any other soda's ass! A NEON green ice cream soda! You could have it ice cold on it's own with biryani or mixed in milk, or you made a ice cream float. There was no wrong way to consume Pakola!

Rooh Afza

The blood red syrupy sweet concentrate that kids mixed into water or milk, drank it cold or hot! Rooh Afza transcended seasons! Every aunt, mother, cousin claimed to have the perfect ratio of Rooh Afza to milk or water and would argue till they were blue in the face that they were right! It was a rite of passage!

(Global phenomenon) Tang

Now this one is a globa phenomenon, a powder juice concentrate that you mixed into water. The orange flavoured juice was neck and neck with Pakola and Rooh Afza in the summer months! However, we were picky, we would only drink the one made in Pakistan. The ones from other countries always tasted WEIRD.

Note: This is American Tang aka BAD Tang. Get the Pakistani one!

(Yet another global phenomenon) Milo

Once again, you only got the Made in Pakistan Milo. It was a malted chocolate drink powder that your parents mixed into your milk every morning. However, that wasn't how you preferred to consume it! No sir! You would rather (Well I would rather), take a heaping tablespoon of the powder straight from the jar and eat it! My mother had taken to hiding the Milo if only to make sure that she wasn't surprised one morning to find all of it had finished and there was none for breakfast!


London itinerary - Holidays edition


30 lessons from a (now) 31 year old