Books I read in August, 2021

The books and my thoughts

We are hopefully back to regularly scheduled blogging, so here we go - books I read in August, 2021

I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

This is a book I would gift every new graduate so that they are able to understand how to manage their finances. It establishes a great understanding of how one should go about setting up their finances. This isn't a book I would recommend for the financially literate, but a great read for a novice!

Love, Loss, and What We Ate: A Memoir by Padma Lakshmi

I, like many other people have the biggest crush on Padma Lakshmi. I follow Top Chef religiously and think she is amazing. My only qualm with her, is that she like many other Indians reduce food from the subcontinent to Indian food. She does so in this book as well.

This book is an autobiography into her life and is just a good read for all Padma Lakshmi fans to get into!

Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer

I am a vegetarian so I don't need to be convinced out of eating animals. But that it isn't what this book is doing. It instead aims to help raise awareness about the meat industry as a whole so people are armed with the correct facts when making a decision. It also points out societal issues that come with eating meat. For example, if you eat pigs why don't you eat dogs? These are good questions to ask oneself as one determines what they eat and why they eat that. 

My 2021 reading goals?

  • Continue to read more poetry!
  • Read more about the space of health, be it nutrition, mental health, physical health, etc.
  • Try to get into audio books. I don't think I will but it's worth a shot. I strongly believe that listening to audio books is useless as you don't capture or understand the content fully.
  • Continue reading books by diverse authors.
  • See my wider reading goals here.


Renewing my vows to sustainability


Season 1: Episode 7 - Book recommendations for the non readers