35 things to do before I am 35

At one point I had a list of 30 things to do before I turned 30. COVID made it very apparent that I would be nowhere near finishing those things, so here are instead 35(!) things I want to do before I turn 35!


  1. Deliver a presentation to more than 200 people (Done: Google I/O and AMP Conf)
  2. Deliver a presentation to more than 500 people (Done: Google I/O and AMP Conf)
  3. Have a sponsor
  4. Be a Product Manager
  5. Be someone’s mentor
  6. Be the Google equivalent of L7
    1. Be L5 before 30
    2. Be L6 before 32
    3. Be L7 before 35
  7. Quit a team
  8. Quit a company

Self sustainable

  1. Live by myself for 2 years
  2. Be able to manage my own finances
    1. Budget
    2. Investments
    3. Retirement
      1. 401 (k)
      2. Roth IRA
      3. HSA
  3. Learn how to drive
  4. Learn how to ride a bike
  5. Buy a car
  6. Have 200 recipes that I can do with confidence:
    1. Baking
    2. Cooking


  1. Be the Citizen of another country other than Pakistan
  2. Be married
  3. Have 2 kids
  4. Buy a house

Self love

  1. Be confident in my body
    1. Be proud of the way I look in a swimsuit
  2. Have a regular workout routine
  3. Have run a half marathon
  4. Throw a dinner party for more than 12 people
    1. Cook everything
  5. Have travelled for a week alone
  6. Take a month long holiday 
  7. Do something that scares me:
    1. Bungee jump
    2. Sky diving again? (This time shouldn’t need to be pushed off)

Interests (11)

  1. Have travelled to every continent on the planet (except Antarctica)
    1. Asia
    2. Europe
    3. Australia
    4. North America
    5. South America
    6. Africa
  2. Get a tattoo/ nose piercing
  3. Get a second set of ear piercings
  4. Have read more than 30 books a year for 10 years continously (Ages 25 - 35)
  5. Be a part of a sustained book club for 5 years
  6. Know how to swim
  7. Have 50 listeners on podcast/month
  8. Learn to play the keyboard
  9. Speak a new language
  10. Splurge on a Michelin star meal


29 things I am leaving behind in my 29th year


My overused packing template