
I miss ...
I miss a lot ...

I miss the chances I didn't take,
I miss the memories of the chances I did take.

I miss the person I was,
I miss the person I will become.

I miss the food I have devoured in the past,
I miss the food I will curtail in the future.

I miss the memories I have made,
I miss the dreams I haven't realized.

I miss the friends I am close to spiritually but not geographically,
I miss the friends I am close to neither spiritually nor geographically.

I miss the life I could have lead,
On that road not taken.
I miss the life I lead,
On the cobblestone path I stumble across.

You would say that you can't miss things,
That are but yet to come or shall never come.
To that I say ...
I miss ...
I miss a lot.

I miss the confidence of not wondering what my future self will be.
I miss the overthinking of wondering if my future self will be ok.
I miss the fear of the uncertainty that envelopes my future self.

What can I say?
I miss ...
I miss a lot.


Season 1: Episode 11 –  A case for Pakistani authors


29 things I am leaving behind in my 29th year