My first few stops post quarantine

Everyone has this list, the things they are looking forward to when shelter-in-place, social distancing policies are relaxed. For those who were curious, here are mine (in no order):

  1. Swim in my building pool. I picked my current apartment because it had a respectable pool and hot tub setup. However, due to CDC guidelines those have been closed. I am thoroughly excited for the policies to be relaxed and for the pool to open up so that I can just laze around in the pool!
  2. Visit a sandy beach. More of the same as above, but the one thing I miss about my time in Sydney, Australia is going to the beach with a picnic blanket, a good book and some sunscreen. I wanted to do more of that this year before quarantine started and now quarantine has made me miss this simple pass time even more.
  3. Visit friends' homes.
  4. Alone to a cafe or restaurant to eavesdrop on people's conversations. Eating alone in restaurants to just soak in the environment is my favourite way of discovering new restaurants where I live or when I travel. I can't wait to do more of the same specially since I have moved once cafes and restaurants open up.
  5. Lush cosmetics. Now that I have a bath tub, I want to be able to walk into a Lush Cosmetics store to experience the overwhelming smell of bath bombs and bubble bars galore!
  6. A scalp massage at a hair salon. This is probably the one thing from the list that may not happen as businesses change their standard operating procedures in light of COVID-19. However, getting a scalp massage and a hair wash is my favourite part of a hair cut or a hair style. I will happily pay extra if this is not included in the base price. Also this is written a few minutes after I noticed my split ends, so it's no shocker that I want to get a hair cut.

I am going to treat this article as an evergreen list. So come back after quarantine is over to see what my final list is.


Mushroom Biryani


Books I read in April, 2020