Reading goals in 2022

2022, a new year, a new year must read book list! Lol, ummm so here's the deal. I currently have around 20 or so books on my book shelf that I have bought over the years but that I haven't read. This is a travesty, since when I did become a person who uses books for decoration!? :o I also have a very long hold list on Libby (I have run out of my hold capacity in both libraries that I am a part of!) So my reading goals for 2022 are simple!

  • Read all the physical books I have present on my bookshelf.
    • Dear Reader: I have 36 unread books on my bookshelf.
  • Part with any hard copies of books that I didn't truly enjoy and wouldn't recommend to others.
  • I am not allowed to buy any other hard covers until I get rid of 50% of the books on my shelf.
    • The exception is if I forget my Kindle when traveling, I wouldn't be caught dead without a book.
  • Read all the books I have on hold on Libby.
    • Dear Reader: I have 53 books on hold in Libby, this is not happening. Maybe the goal should be to cut down my holds by around 25% this year?
  • Cook/bake at least one recipe from each cookbook I possess this year. (This seems doable!)
  • I don't have a goal on the genre of books to read, I still want to keep reading poetry, fiction and non fiction. Reading more poetry seems hard to do though as I don't have any anthologies on hold or on my book shelf.


Season 2: Episode 1 –  A year in books


Books I read in January 2022