Why I declared the start of a new year earlier

There are two more months left in 2023, I know. But I have had it with 2023. I am in the midst of a divorce, I haven’t gotten promoted twice, I was homeless for half a year. My brother has had two injuries that he is healing from. And the world is complicit in genocide. NBD.

So what does any sane person do? Declare bankruptcy on a year. Not really but that is what I am doing. Looking forward. I am setting my resolutions and plans early. I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself and take action on things I want to change and not stress things I can’t influence.

I will obviously celebrate the new year with others on 1 January 2024. I am also going to celebrate my birthday on the 3rd of January 2024. However, my goals started on November 1, 2023 instead. These include goals like working out but also therapy and soul searching. I am still working on the goals and will share them at the regular cadence in January but this is me declaring bankruptcy on 2023.

If you are down with life, may I encourage you to do the same? It doesn’t stop the genocide but does help you take control of what you can change in your life and may give you a chance to accept what you can’t change.


2024 lists: No buy list


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